Monday, May 18, 2020

Corrupted RAW agents - money laundering!

Corrupted RAW agents - money laundering!

              Some money laundering people have bribed some corrupt RAW agents, and somehow got some RAW identities. Now in the money laundering process, they claim to be RAW agents that's why their passports do not have appropriate entry, exit, valid visa stamps. Simple questions and logic solves a lot of corrupted claims. But most if not all Indian Law Enforcement do not have the guts nor the brains to question / clarify some simple things.
               I think I am witnessing some event(s) like the one mentioned above. However, I don't know how big the money laundering amount is. Some illiterate and less educated people get manipulated by self-proclaimed RAW agents. Especially people like watchmen, courier delivery boys etc... They respect RAW and show their patriotism by blindly following whatever is being asked of them. In other words, they are innocently getting manipulated on the name of patriotism.
             In my honest opinion, RAW should work outside of the country. So I think the innocents are being manipulated.
             I was transferring some money for myself after having tax withheld and while at the local bank there were a couple of red flags / bad vibes. And the watchman seemed very patriotic and angry with me, because a rogue self-proclaimed RAW agent stole my identity. The watchman doesn't know that RAW agents work outside the country. And the identity thief might be a self-proclaimed, propaganda RAW agent.

Corrupted RAW agents - money laundering!

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Sincere request to all email providers especially gmail and outlook

Sincere request to all email providers especially gmail and outlook

I would like to request a optional security feature from email providers.

Like MFA, a OTP / a push notification to approve before emptying trash or deleting from trash. This way spies / shadows who misuse others email addresses can be stopped. Or may be even some optional configurable rule like a email cannot be deleted from inbox / sent until a certain period elapsed like 15 / 30 minutes.

And may be some optional feature for SMS as well, the time lapse one.

Sincere request to all email providers especially gmail and outlook

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Now RAW wants to frame me as a RAW agent

Now RAW wants to frame me as a RAW agent

The gist of the story is a rogue RAW agent did some Visa manipulation based on my name. And there has been a RAW shadow under me. As I have been posting about RAW's atrocities in my FaceBook page - Medium - Shadows, Impersonation and Social Engineering! , Another RAW harassment and OTP theft scenario today! and in this blog. And the front page of my website Now the beta is down. So apparently some RAW agent who goes by the code name 'E' has somehow acquired images of my laptops and mobiles and claimed to be theirs. Or in other words playing victim, although that person is the culprit. Or who knows, may be even try to frame me as RAW. I personally HATE RAW. This harassment has been going on for over 8 months and has been a mess. Why TF don't Indian RAW agents work with FBI / CIA rather than doing Visa manipulation, go through (so called backdoors (some loopholes in Visa system - don't know the details)).

Call me non patriotic for trying to expose India, but this is the truth and considering the harassment I am going through for the past 8+ months, I think my patriotism has decreased.

I Arumilli Kanti Kalyan, a .Net web developer state and confirm the above as facts.

Now RAW wants to frame me as a RAW agent

Monday, May 11, 2020

Shadows, Impersonation and Social Engineering!

Shadows, Impersonation and Social Engineering!

Recently, I wrote some blog posts about RAW harassment, imposers and identity theft! After some careful analysis, I think I realized how any stalker, surveillance  people can do some social engineering!

For example, you get a call from someone, for whatever reason, you didn't attend the call. Now the shadows would call back from their number and would say "calling from other number". So, financial institutions, money lenders be a little careful with these type of tactics.

India has this biometric system called Aadhar. However, in my opinion, sometimes Aadhar is being misused. Let me give a scenarion, some OTP theft happens and a account can be opened. Later, they would update Aadhar of their own. Or even very rare cases, they would use social engineering tactics to have the Aadhar updated to theirs. So, counter this scenario, I think if bank account is associated to a certain Aadhar and the person has not updated their phone number with UIDAI, may be banks should not allow Aadhar update. At least for me, logically it doesn't make sense, why would someone attempt to associate someone else's Aadhar to their own account? For me that's a red flag and a social engineering tactic.

Shadows, Impersonation and Social Engineering!

Friday, May 8, 2020

What if Corona Virus can be spread?

What if Corona Virus can be spread?

What if Corona Virus can be spread. There is this theory of invisible extremely minute invisible drone technology. Of course for now the range and battery life are quite low. In my theory those drones can be operated within a 200 metre or lesser radius.

I am in Visakhapatnam city of Andhra Pradesh India. And I have been a victim of some rogue RAW couple's identity theft and top of it spying and impersonation. Those people take appointments on my phone numbers. Even tried to apply for a Digital Signature Certificate by doing a OTP theft.

Today they even attempted to spray some kind of nasal spray one me.

So now I think what if Corona Virus is some kind of large scale biological warfare by Indian RAW agents. Or, even they are not doing a large scale biological warfare, they could be using the equipment to spread Corona Virus, under who's shadows they are living (RAW - Celebrating 50 years of operating from shadows). So may be that's how RAW agents work, live in shadows until the person suspects. When a person suspects that there is someone shadowing, may be they try to eliminate without suspicion.

Crazy theory, but there is definitely some truth, if not all the truth.

What if Corona Virus can be spread?

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A little bit more research on and DSC

Getting a DSC hardly costs 1500 INR so I thought of using I opted for PAN based verification. I entered the same phone number and the same email address associated with my PAN, entered my PAN and details. I got a message that phone number is already in use. So how did a digital security issuer not even think about OTP theft and did not validate details with IncomeTax department?

Looks like there are a lot of loopholes being misused.

Another RAW harassment and OTP theft scenario today!

RAW == Terrorists (when they harass Indian citizens)

RAW == Terrorists (when they harass Indian citizens)               To the best of my knowledge, based on what I read on the Internet, RAW ...